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Beligas Pharma

Showing 97–108 of 116 results

B-Testosterone NPP 150mgs 10ml


B-Testosterone NPP 150 is a pharmacy grade anabolic steroid that contains 150mg/ml of nandrolone phenylpropionate in a 10ml vial. It is used to promote muscle and strength gains.


  • International

B-Test Tren Short 150mgs 10ml


B-Test Tren Short 150 is a testosterone-based anabolic agent that contains 150mg of trenbolone acetate in a 10mL solution. It is a fast-acting form of testosterone that is used for bulking and cutting.


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B-Tren Test Mast Short 150mgs 10ml


B-Tren Test Mast Short 150mg 10ml is an injectable anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) comprised of the hormones Trenbolone Acetate, Drostanolone Propionate, and Testosterone Propionate in a 10ml vial.


  • International

B- Tren-Test-Mast-Long 300mgs 10ml


B-Tren-Test-Mast-Long 300mg/10ml is a combination of four hormones in one injection that may help increase muscle mass and strength.


  • International

B-Testosterone Equpoise 400mgs 10ml


B-Testosterone Equipoise 400mg/10mL is a veterinary-grade injectable steroid containing boldenone undecylenate, a compound used to promote increased appetite and lean muscle mass in horses.


  • International

B- Tri Trenbolone 150mgs 10ml


B- Tri Trenbolone 150mg/10ml is a powerful anabolic steroid used mainly for muscle growth and fat reduction.


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B- Tri Test Lite 350mgs 10ml


B-Tri Test Lite 350mg 10ml is a testosterone blend supplement that provides a low dose of Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Acetate, and Testosterone Phenylpropionate in a single solution.


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Quant- Equipoise 300mgs 10ml


Quant-Equipoise 300mg/10ml is a veterinary steroid injection solution that contains the anabolic steroid Boldenone Undecylenate. It is commonly used to promote weight gain and stimulate appetite in horses.


  • International

Deca Durabolin 300mgs 10ml


Deca-Durabolin is a powerful anabolic steroid used by bodybuilders to increase muscle mass and improve performance. It is typically administered as a 300mg/ml injection and is available in 10ml vials.


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Pheno NPP 100mgs 10ml


Pheno NPP 100mg/10ml is a brand of injectable Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP), a synthetic anabolic androgenic steroid.


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Acro Trenbolone 100mgs 10ml


Acro Trenbolone 100mg/10ml is a highly concentrated injectable anabolic steroid used to increase muscle mass, strength, and stamina.


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Etho Trebolone 200mgs 10ml


Etho Trebolone 200mg/10ml is an injectable steroid used for bulking, mass building and strength-gaining cycles. It is an oil-based form of Trenbolone, which is altered slightly to make it more effective for this purpose.


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