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Showing 1–12 of 43 results

Tri Trenbolone 150mg 10ml (Domestic)


Tri-Trenbolone is highly sought after by bodybuilders and athletes for its ability to promote muscle growth, strength gains, and fat loss. However, it’s essential to use with caution due to its potent nature and potential side effects. Consulting with a healthcare professional before use is strongly recommended.


  • Domestic

Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml (12ml)


Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ml (12ml) is a potent injectable anabolic steroid solution commonly used by bodybuilders and athletes to enhance muscle growth, strength, and overall performance. Trenbolone Acetate is a derivative of nandrolone, but it exhibits significantly stronger anabolic and androgenic effects.


  • Domestic


  • Domestic

Parabolan (Tren Hex) 200mg/ml (12ml)


Parabolan, also known as Tren Hex, is a powerful injectable steroid renowned for its potency and effectiveness in the realm of bodybuilding and athletic performance enhancemen


  • Domestic

tren ace 100mg 10ml


Trenbolone Acetate is a potent anabolic steroid primarily used in veterinary medicine for muscle growth and appetite stimulation in livestock. In the human realm, it’s known for its muscle-building and fat-burning properties, and is often used illicitly for performance enhancement and bodybuilding.


  • Domestic


  • International


  • International


  • International

Hexo Trenbolone 100mgs 10ml


Hexo Trenbolone 100mg 10ml is a injectable anabolic steroid product. It is a trenbolone based drug containing 100mg/ml of the hormone trenbolone acetate. It is used to boost muscle growth and strength while reducing body fat. It is highly effective anabolic steroid that has a rapid onset of action and provides excellent results when used as part of a stack. This product should only be used by experienced bodybuilders and athletes. Users should also monitor their dosages closely and maintain a healthy diet and exercise regime.


  • International

Acro Trenbolone 100mgs 10ml


Acro Trenbolone 100mg/10ml is a potent injectable anabolic and androgenic steroid. It is indicated for the treatment of advanced or metastatic breast cancer in post-menopausal women and is used off-label in bodybuilding, powerlifting, and athletics for muscle gain, bulking, and strength enhancement. Acro Trenbolone 100mg/10ml is known for being highly androgenic and is sometimes referred to as “the king of steroids” due to its superior anabolic and androgenic effects in comparison to other steroids. The drug is injected directly into the muscle for maximum effect and has a half-life of 1-2 days.


  • International

Etho Trebolone 200mgs 10ml


Etho Trebolone 200mg/10ml is an injectable anabolic androgenic steroid composed of Trenbolone which is derived from Nandrolone. It is a powerful bulking and cutting steroid, the active hormone Trenbolone is 5x more effective than Testosterone and is up to 20 times more anabolic than Testosterone. Etho Trebolone 200mg/10ml can provide massive gains in size and strength and is a favourite of competitive bodybuilders, fitness models and athletes. Common doses range from 200mg to 600mg per week. This product is for intramuscular injection.


  • International



Trenbolone-E 200mg/ml 10ml is a synthetic anabolic androgenic steroid used to help improve muscle growth, fat loss, and strength. It is usually administered intramuscularly in the form of an injection and works primarily by binding to androgen receptors. The 10 ml concentration of this product contains 200mg of trenbolone enanthate in every milliliter of solution. This product is typically used to help promote strength, muscle growth and fat burning, but can also be used for cutting. This product should be used under the guidance of a qualified medical professional.




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