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Dorian Yates’ Olympia Cycle

Dorian Yates’ Pre-Contest Cycle: Myth vs. Reality

Dorian Yates, a six-time Mr. Olympia champion, is often regarded as one of the most influential figures in bodybuilding history. His intense training philosophy and unique approach to supplementation have garnered much attention and speculation over the years. Recently, Yates revealed his pre-contest cycle, claiming to use 300mg of testosterone propionate, 500mg of Primobolan, and 2-3 doses of 76mg Tren Hex (trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) per week, along with 50mg of Anavar daily and 8 IU of HGH. However, the authenticity of these dosages has been met with skepticism among many in the bodybuilding community.

The Cycle Breakdown

Let’s take a closer look at what Yates claims to have used:

  • Testosterone Propionate: 300mg per week
  • Primobolan: 500mg per week
  • Tren Hex: 2-3 doses of 76mg each week
  • Anavar: 50mg daily
  • HGH: 8 IU daily

While these numbers seem moderate compared to some of the extreme cycles reported in the industry, many believe that Yates might not be disclosing the full picture. It’s common for bodybuilders to “understate” their dosages, especially when discussing them publicly. There’s also speculation that Yates included other substances, such as Halotestin, closer to competition day to enhance his performance and aesthetics.

Genetic Factor: The X-Factor

Regardless of the substances he may or may not have taken, it’s crucial to remember that no amount of drugs can substitute for genetics. Dorian Yates is a prime example of a genetic anomaly in the bodybuilding world. His muscle insertions, size, and overall physique set him apart from most competitors. While many aspiring bodybuilders might think that emulating Yates’ cycle will yield similar results, the reality is that very few possess the genetic predisposition necessary to reach such heights in the sport.

The Offseason Is Key

Another often-overlooked aspect of bodybuilding is the significance of the offseason. Muscle growth primarily occurs when athletes are not cutting for competition. Yates himself has emphasized that building a world-class physique requires patience, hard work, and consistent training throughout the year. This means focusing on nutrition, training intensity, and recovery, rather than solely relying on performance-enhancing substances.


While Dorian Yates’ pre-contest cycle is intriguing and certainly sparked discussions within the bodybuilding community, it’s essential to approach the topic with a discerning mindset. The skepticism surrounding his claimed dosages highlights a broader issue in bodybuilding: the complexity of drug use and its relationship to individual physiology.

Ultimately, while Yates’ cycle may offer insights into his competitive preparations, it is his unparalleled genetics, relentless work ethic, and commitment to training that truly define his success. Aspiring bodybuilders should focus on developing their own unique physiques, understanding that patience, hard work, and consistency are the true cornerstones of the sport. As Yates himself might say, “Train hard, stay dedicated, and let your results speak for themselves.”




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