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Parabolan (Tren Hex) 200mg/ml (12ml)


Parabolan, also known as Tren Hex, is a powerful injectable steroid renowned for its potency and effectiveness in the realm of bodybuilding and athletic performance enhancemen

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Parabolan, also known as Tren Hex, is a powerful injectable steroid renowned for its potency and effectiveness in the realm of bodybuilding and athletic performance enhancement. Each milliliter of this solution contains 200 milligrams of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, a modified form of the potent anabolic steroid Trenbolone. This formulation is designed for intramuscular administration and is commonly utilized by experienced athletes and bodybuilders seeking significant gains in muscle mass, strength, and overall performance.

Tren Hex is characterized by its long-acting nature, allowing for less frequent dosing compared to other forms of Trenbolone. Its extended half-life contributes to sustained release into the bloodstream, facilitating steady and consistent results over time. Users often report rapid and noticeable improvements in muscle size, density, and definition, along with enhanced athletic performance and endurance.

However, it’s important to note that Parabolan is a highly potent androgenic steroid with the potential for significant side effects if not used responsibly. These may include but are not limited to: androgenic effects such as acne, hair loss, and increased facial or body hair growth; estrogenic effects such as water retention and gynecomastia (male breast enlargement); cardiovascular issues such as increased blood pressure and cholesterol levels; and suppression of natural testosterone production, which can lead to libido issues, mood swings, and other hormonal imbalances.

Due to its potency and potential risks, Parabolan is typically recommended for experienced users who have a thorough understanding of steroid administration, dosage protocols, and mitigation of side effects. It should be used with caution and under the supervision of a qualified medical professional. Additionally, it’s crucial to adhere to recommended dosage guidelines and to prioritize proper post-cycle therapy to support natural hormone production and mitigate any potential adverse effects on health.

Additional information

Active Ingredient

Trenbolone hex

Brand Atributo

pharma labs


200mg/ml (12ml)


pharma labs

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