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Maste-k 100mgs 10ml


Masteron (Drostanolone) is typically available in different ester forms, such as propionate and enanthate. The dosage you provided, “250mgs 10ml,” is not standard, as dosages are usually expressed in milligrams (mg) per milliliter (ml) or as a total milligram amount for a vial.

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Masteron (Drostanolone) is typically available in different ester forms, such as propionate and enanthate. The dosage you provided, “250mgs 10ml,” is not standard, as dosages are usually expressed in milligrams (mg) per milliliter (ml) or as a total milligram amount for a vial.

Let me provide you with general information about Masteron Propionate, and if you have specific dosage details, please provide them for more accurate information.

Masteron Propionate:

  1. Chemical Structure:
    • Masteron is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), an androgenic hormone.
  2. Ester Type:
    • Masteron Propionate is a short-estered form, meaning it has a relatively short half-life compared to other ester forms.
  3. Medical Uses:
    • Originally developed for breast cancer treatment in postmenopausal women, Masteron is rarely used in medical settings today.
  4. Bodybuilding and Athletic Use:
    • Athletes and bodybuilders sometimes use Masteron to enhance muscle definition and hardness, particularly in the pre-contest phase.
  5. Dosage:
    • Dosages can vary based on individual factors such as experience, goals, and tolerance. Common dosages range from 300 to 600 mg per week for men.
  6. Administration:
    • Typically administered through intramuscular injections.
  7. Stacking:
    • Masteron is often used in combination with other steroids for synergistic effects, especially in cutting cycles.
  8. Side Effects:
    • Potential side effects may include androgenic effects such as acne, increased hair growth, and virilization in women. Cardiovascular risks and impacts on cholesterol profiles may also occur.
  9. Liver Toxicity:
    • Masteron is not known for causing liver toxicity.
  10. Legal Status:
    • Masteron is a controlled substance in many countries and is often only available with a prescription due to its potential for misuse.

Please note that the use of Masteron or any other anabolic steroids without a prescription is illegal and may pose serious health risks. It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before considering the use of such substances, as they can have significant effects on the endocrine system and overall health. Additionally, a qualified medical professional should obtain information about dosages and administration.

Additional information

Active Ingredient

Masteron propionate

Brand Atributo

Kassel Pharma


100mgs 10ml


Kassel Pharma

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